Books, Books, Books

new challenges, new books

Happy New Year readers.

With the new year comes new reading challenges and new (to me) books. Bookworm Bitches on Goodreads has become my favorite group on the site. The mods really know how to make a challenge interesting.

I have books lined up for the Winter challenge and the 1st quarter challenge.

I wasn’t ready to read the 12th book in my to be read (TBR) list but now I have to . 🙂 My 12th book is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.


Other tasks are Read a book with a cold or winter setting.. I chose Beartown. Its set around hockey. Beartown is on both lists. The other challenge is listed under is for a Bookworm Bitches catch up selection . Its also On my Genre challenge list..lol33413128


Read an atmospheric book… I had to look books up for this because these aren’t my type of books. The first book I though was The Martian, but I saw the movie , then my mind went blank . I couldn’t think of any others. A few people listed The Winter People as atmospheric. And I recently borrowed it from the library before the challenge was posted. hmm fate? I think so.


To name a few more, a book that was made into a tv show or a movie.. I chose A Simple Favor. the movie came out last year. A book with 500 plus pages, I chose The Time Travelers Wife. A book with less than 250 pages, I chose The Bell Jar.

I completed one task already for the 1st Quarter challenge… read a book that was published in 2018 or the most recent published book on your TBR list.. I chose IF by Randi Cooley Wilson. I loved it so much after reading it , I bought the ebook.39900562

Another task from the 1st quarter challenge is read a book set nearby where you live. I live in Rhode Island so I chose Cracked Up To Be , which is set in Connecticut. This book is from the same author that wrote Sadie. So I am sure it will be good and that I will like it very much.



All my challenges can be found under Reading Challenges on the top of my blog. Just choose a challenge from the drop down menu.
